Note: Using the educational and non-commercial editions of PBworks for any business use (even if you are a non-profit or NGO) is a violation of our terms of service. In addition, the features in the educational service are optimized for teachers and students, not for enterprise use. Our Business Edition is a far better fit for your needs, and offers a free version as well.
My PBworks is the account management area of the service. If you log in with an email address, My PBworks is the area where all of your workspaces are listed, and where you can manage your profile.
Your workspaces are where your content is stored, and where Administrators of spaces decide who has access to what content.
Administrators are the highest level of permission any user can be on a workspace. Administrators manage users, set security on pages, and set global settings.
Premium services are still available in our Classroom and Campus Editions.
The educational version of PBworks is designed to be used as a way for teachers, parents, and students to collaborate on projects and share syllabi, assignments, and files. Each space should be small in scope, and cover no more than 100 users each. While there are no hard limits on the number of users, pages, files, and folders you may add to a single space, there are also no methods to move content from one space to another, or from one service to another. An upgrade to 雷霆加速器破解版下载_雷霆加速器官方版下载v4.5_世界 ...:2021-5-27 · 雷霆加速器破解版是一款网游加速器软件。具有简洁,免安装等特点,能够有用处理推迟高、卡顿、掉线等问题,确保流转的游戏环境,让自己轻松舒适的去体会游戏,软件使用完全免费,操作灵活便捷,无广告打扰。还能够享受到光纤节点,即使在网络高峰期,也能保证网速的高速运行。additional features not available in the free educational service. An upgrade does not fundamentally change the way the service works.
PBworks hosts over 300,000 educational workspaces, and has helped transform teaching and learning for millions of students, parents and teachers. Educators ranging from major universities like DePaul University, school districts like Baltimore County Public Schools and individual teachers trust PBworks as their collaborative learning environment.
- Encourage student-centered learning. Even young students can build web pages, embed images & video, and post documents.
- Provide access to information sources, book lists, and links to good articles. Have the resources stored for future use.
- Host and share information between students, faculty and staff. Encourage staff development and shared resources across schools.
- Make distance learning more interactive and collaborative, support research teams, and improve inter-departmental coordination.